Learn more about salmon and how you can help with recovery efforts in your area.
Mid Sound is community-powered salmon habitat restoration – transforming degraded salmon habitat and building a future in which people enthusiastically steward local streams and beaches. Together we can keep salmon a vibrant part of the Puget Sound.
Connecting greater Seattle with its watershed & natural environment. At the heart of Puget Sound, the Lake Sammamish Urban Wildlife Refuge Partnership encompasses 100 square miles of habitat, with Lake Sammamish State Park at its center. Just 10 miles from downtown Seattle, the Refuge provides a gateway for the Greater Seattle community to connect with the beauty of this region’s natural environment.
TIMELY!!! ==> Help identify salmon as they head back towards their spawning grounds during Fall 2024!
Lake Sammamish kokanee salmon are on the verge of extinction, but Trout Unlimited (TU) and our partners in the Lake Sammamish watershed are committed to bringing the population back from the brink.
Alaska’s Five Species of Pacific Salmon Lifecycle and Identification